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Demo of Background Subtraction in Dynamic Scenes

These are demos of the background subtraction. The videos are in Quicktime format (H.264).Quicktime is a free software and can be downloaded from here

Comparison with Other Background Subtraction Techniques

Video Results

[Skiing (15 MB)]

[Surf (15 MB)]

[Flock (15 MB)]

[Cyclists (15 MB)]

[Landing (15 MB)]

[Birds (15 MB)]

[Chopper (15 MB)]

[Surfers (15 MB)]

[Jump (15 MB)]

[Boat (15 MB)]

[Bottle (15 MB)]

[Hockey (15 MB)]

[Ocean (15 MB)]

[Zodiac (15 MB)]

[Freeway (15 MB)]

[Traffic (15 MB)]

[Rain (15 MB)]

[Peds (15 MB)]

Methods Compared
    Disc-Sal - the output of discriminant saliency detector (proposed)
    Kernel Density Estimate (KDE) - from A. Elgammal, R. Duraiswami, D. Harwood, and L. S. Davis. Background and foreground modeling using nonparametric kernel density for visual surveillance. In Proceedings of the IEEE, volume 90, pages 1151-1163, July 2002
    Monnet - from A. Monnet, A. Mittal, N. Paragios, and V. Ramesh. Background modeling and subtraction of dynamic scenes. CVPR, 2003
    Surprise - from L. Itti and P. Baldi. A principled approach to detecting surprising events in video. CVPR, pages 631-637, 2005
    Gaussian mixture model (GMM) - from Z. Zivkovic. Improved adaptive Gaussian mixture model for background subtraction. ICPR, 2004

Saliency Map Superimposed with Video Frames for Zodiac Sequence